Welcome to Camping Rütti

Cozy small campsite in the middle of a beautiful landscape. The ideal place for those who long for peace and relaxation.


If you like to hike, enjoy nature and care for it, we are just the place for you. Our campsite is also a perfect starting point for biking, paragliding, mountaineering, recharging your batteries and much more. Find out more about the environment.


We are aimed at individual guests who are looking for simplicity and do not attach great importance to luxury. Guests who have time and want to spend their vacation with us. As the German saying goes: "less is more". 


Our campsite is small. We cannot accommodate groups and several families together, because we have neither the infrastructure nor the capacity for it.


You as a camper bring everything yourself. There is no communal kitchen or barbecue area. For our smallest guests there is a playground with a roundabout, a see-saw, a swing and a Ping-Pong table. Otherwise, the parents are responsible for the children's entertainment. It is not allowed to play football and to cycle around on the campsite. 

Our camping site is open from Mai 1st to September 30th. Since we are a small family business, we cannot offer you a 24H service. Please note our opening hours for the reception as well as the check-in. Thank you!

We are looking forward to your visit!
Toni, Sylvia, Jeanette and Remo von Allmen

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